Editing Tab

From the Options menu, choose Preferences and select the Editing tab to specify options for editing on the VEGAS Pro timeline.



Enable looping on events by default

When this checkbox is selected, the Loop event switch will be enabled for new events.

When this switch is enabled, events will repeat if you drag the end of an event past the end of the media file.

Preserve pitch when stretching audio events

When this checkbox is selected, the pitch of an audio event is preserved when you hold Ctrl and drag the end of the event to change its duration. When the checkbox is cleared, audio events' pitch will increase when you make an event shorter and will decrease when you make an event longer.

TIP If you change this setting during an editing session, the new setting will affect only media that you add to the timeline after changing the setting. To change the behavior for existing events on the timeline, use the Time stretch / pitch shift controls on the Audio Event tab of the Event Properties dialog.

For more information, see Editing event properties and Adjusting an event's length

Cut, copy, and delete grouped events

When this checkbox is selected, cutting, copying, or deleting an event will affect all events in the same group.

For more information, see Cutting, copying, and pasting events and Grouping events

Do not quantize to frames for audio-only edits

When this checkbox is selected, edits to audio events (such as event moves, trims, and ASR times) are not quantized to frame boundaries even if Quantize to Frames is enabled.

For more information, see Moving events Adjusting an event's length Event envelopes and Quantize to frames

Collapse loop region when no time selection is present

When this checkbox is selected, the loop region is reset when no data is selected. If the checkbox is cleared, the loop region will retain the last selection.

JKL/shuttle speed

Choose a setting from the drop-down list to set the speed that will be used for scrubbing the timeline with the JKL keys or with a multimedia controller.

For more information, see Scrubbing and Using a multimedia controller

Quick fade length for audio events

A rapid fade is applied to the edges of audio events to soften potentially harsh transitions that can result from cutting data or splitting events.

Enter a value in the box to change the length of the fade.

From the Options menu, choose Quickfade Audio Edits to turn quick fades on or off. When you turn off quick fades, the edges of new events are not faded (existing fades are not removed).

New still image length

Enter a value in the edit box to specify the duration of events that are created when you add still images to the timeline.

Default time between CD tracks

Enter a value in the edit box to specify the length of time that is inserted between events when you add tracks for a disc-at-once audio CD from the Project Media window.

For more information, see Disc-at-once (DAO or Red Book) CD Burning

Cursor preview duration

Enter a value in the edit box to specify the length of the time that will be played when you preview the cursor.

To preview the cursor, press the 0 key on the numeric keypad. A temporary selection is created (centered over the cursor) and playback begins automatically.

Cursor preview will loop if Loop Playback is selected.

Automatically overlap multiple selected media when added

When this checkbox is selected, events will be overlapped when you drag several media files to the timeline. When the checkbox is cleared, events will be added end-to-end.

To change the amount of overlap between events, adjust the Amount setting in the Cut-to-overlap conversion section of the dialog.

NOTE Automatic Crossfades must be turned on to use this feature. For more information, see Automatic crossfades

Cut-to-overlap conversion

When you have two video events that are inserted back-to-back with no transition (referred to as a cut), you can convert the cut to a transition by dragging a transition from the Transitions window and dropping it between the events. You can also right-click the edge of either event, choose Transition from the shortcut menu, and choose a transition from the submenu.

The cut-to-overlap conversion settings will extend one or both of the events so they overlap, allowing room for the transition.

Type a value in the edit box (or use the spin control) to specify the amount by which you want the events to overlap after conversion. (This setting also controls the overlap applied when the Automatically overlap multi-selected media when added checkbox is selected).

From the Alignment drop-down list, choose the method you want to use to extend events:

  • Before cut: The overlapping area will end at the cut/cursor.

  • Centered on cut: The cut/cursor will mark the center of the overlapping area.

  • After cut: The overlapping area will start at the cut/cursor.

Time selection envelope fades

When this checkbox is selected, all envelope points within a time selection are adjusted as you drag, and fades are applied to the beginning and end of the selection (additional envelope points are created as necessary):

Type a value in the edit box (or use the spin control) to specify the length of the fades that will be created.

Choose a setting from the Alignment drop-down list to indicate where the fade should be applied:

  • Outside: Fades are applied before and after your time selection.

  • Centered: Fades are centered on the beginning and end of the time selection.

  • Inside: Fades are applied to the beginning and end of your time selection.

Clear the Time selection envelope fades checkbox if you want to edit envelope points individually.

Automatically crop video files / still images added to timeline

Select this checkbox if you want to automatically crop video files / still images to match your project's output frame proportions when adding them to the timeline.

Uncropped image in 16:9 widescreen project: pillarboxing is displayed

Cropped image: the image fills the screen with no pillarboxing

Default All

Restores the Editing page options to the default settings.