Adding generated media to your project
Media generators can be used to create backgrounds, text, and textures in your project.
TIP Double-click the title bar of the Video Media Generators window to resize it for the current plug-in.
Adding a generated media event
Position the cursor where you want to create the event.
Select the media generator you want to use:
Select a generator in the left pane of the Media Generators window. The thumbnail images in the right pane represent each of the existing presets for the selected generator. Hover your mouse pointer over a preset to see an animated example, and drag the preset you want to use to the timeline.
For more information, see The Media Generators Window
From the Insert menu, choose GeneratedMedia. The Plug-In Chooser is displayed. Select the plug-in you want to use and click OK.
TIP You can double-click a preset to add it to the selected track.
The Video Media Generators dialog is displayed.
In the Video Media Generators dialog, type values in the Frame size and Length boxes to specify the size and duration of the generated media.
Use the controls in the Video Media Generators dialog to adjust the plug-in's settings.
For more information, see The Media Generators Window
TIP To create a generated media event quickly, drag a preset thumbnail from the Media Generators window to the timeline. A new event is created where you drop the thumbnail using the preset's parameters.
Editing a generated media event
Click the Generated Media button on an event. The Video Media Generators dialog is displayed.
Use the controls in the Video Media Generators dialog to adjust the plug-in's settings.
Click the Match Event Length button
to set the length of the generated media to match the length of the event.
Click the Media Properties button
to edit information about the generated media, such as the frame size, frame rate, field order, pixel aspect, and rotation.
For more information, see Viewing or changing media file properties
Click the Replace Plug-In button
to change the media generator for the current event.
Use the lower portion of the Video Media Generators dialog to choose a new preset or adjust the plug-in's settings.
Copying a generated media event
You can duplicate generated media events using copy and paste commands, by holding Ctrl while dragging an event to a new position on the timeline, or by dragging generated media from the Project Media window to the timeline.
When you duplicate a generated media event, a dialog is displayed with two options:
Create a new copy of the source media:
The new event is created using the same settings as the original event. Each event can be edited independently.
Create a reference to the original media:
The new event uses the same source media as the original generated media event. Any change to either event affects both events.
Removing generated media
To remove generated media from your project, select the event and press Delete.
Animating a generated media event with keyframes
If you want to create an animated effect, use the keyframe controller at the bottom of the Video Media Generators dialog to establish distinct settings throughout the duration of the effect.
During playback, intermediate frames are interpolated to create smooth motion.
For more information, see Keyframe animation