Adding video effects

There are several methods available for adding effects to video. Video plug-ins can be added to tracks, video events, source media files (via the Project Media window), or to the entire video project.

  • To apply a preset without displaying the Video FX dialog, hold the Shift key while dragging a preset from the Video FX window to a track header, event, or the Video Preview window. For more information, see The Video FX Window

  • To add effects quickly, you can drag plug-ins from the Plug-In Manager window to events, tracks, and the Video FX or Video Preview windows. For more information, see The Plug-In Manager Window

  • To move faders and sliders in fine increments, hold Ctrl while dragging the control.

  • Double-click the title bar of the Video FX window to resize it for the current plug-in.

Bypassing all video effects

You can use the Split-Screen View button in the Video Preview window to create a split-screen preview that bypasses all video effects (track effects, event effects, media effects, and video output effects) without removing them from your project.

For more information, see Split-screen previews