Adding video event effects

Video event effects are applied to individual events.

  1. Click the Event FX button on the event in the timeline .

    If there are no effects added to the event, the Plug-In Chooser window appears.

    If there are effects added to the event, the Video Event FX window appears in the window docking area. Click the Plug-In Chain button to open the Plug-In Chooser.

  2. Select each plug-in you want to add and click the Add button.

  3. Click OK to close the Plug-In Chooser.

    The Video Event FX window appears.

  4. Use the settings in the Video Event FX window to enable/bypass effects, edit effect parameters, and add/remove effects from a chain.

    • To reorder the plug-ins within the chain, drag a plug-in button to a new location.

    • You can also drag an effect from the Video FX window to the event on the timeline. For more information, see The Video FX Window

    • You can also double-click a preset in the Video FX window to apply the effect preset to the selected event.