Adding video event effects
Video event effects are applied to individual events.
Click the Event FX button on the event in the timeline
If there are no effects added to the event, the Plug-In Chooser window appears.
If there are effects added to the event, the Video Event FX window appears in the window docking area. Click the Plug-In Chain button
to open the Plug-In Chooser.
Select each plug-in you want to add and click the Add button.
Click OK to close the Plug-In Chooser.
The Video Event FX window appears.
Use the settings in the Video Event FX window to enable/bypass effects, edit effect parameters, and add/remove effects from a chain.
To reorder the plug-ins within the chain, drag a plug-in button to a new location.
You can also drag an effect from the Video FX window to the event on the timeline.
For more information, see The Video FX Window
You can also double-click a preset in the Video FX window to apply the effect preset to the selected event.