Creating Project Notes

Project Notes allow VEGAS Pro editors to leave themselves notes in a project or to collaborate on a project and leave notes for each other along the way.

Each note has a specific timeline timecode, so you can use them to leave comments in exact points in your project. You, can categorize them by colors and custom labels, and the system can keep track of which notes have been addressed and which still need attention.

To use Project Notes, click the Project Notes tab if necessary to make the window visible.

Default Color

Click the Note Default Color button and choose the color from the list that you would like all of your new notes to take on.
Default label


Click inside the Enter default label text field and type any label you would like all new notes to take on.
Add new note

Click the Add New Note button to create a note with these default settings.

This note contains the timecode that corresponds to your current cursor location in the timeline.

Update Timecode to Timeline Cursor

To change the timecode, click in the timeline to place your cursor at the new location and click the Update Timecode to Timeline Cursor button.
Jump to Timecode

To instantly move your timeline cursor to the location of any note, click the note’s Jump to Timecode button.

Select Current Timecode

To manually edit a note’s timecode, select the note’s current timecode value and type the new timecode into the text box, then press the Enter key.

Resolve note / Unresolve Note

Click the Resolve Note button to indicate that you have addressed the issue mentioned in the note. Click the button again (notice its name has changed to Unresolve Note) to return the note to an unresolved state.

Hide resolved notes


Select the Hide resolved notes checkbox to limit your note view to just the unresolved notes in your list. Deselect the checkbox to show all notes whether resolved or not.

Delete Note

Click the Delete Note button to delete a note from the Project Notes window.

More button

Click a note’s More button. In the menu you can select a new color for this note from the list or select the note’s current label so you can type a new label.

HOW-TO VIDEO Project Notes