Generate MIDI Timecode

From the Options menu, choose Timecode, and choose Generate MIDI Timecode from the submenu if you want to generate MIDI timecode (MTC) when you click Play .

MIDI timecode (MTC) is a standard timecode that most applications and some hardware devices will use to synchronize themselves.

Generating MIDI timecode

  1. Specify a MIDI Output device to which you will send the timecode and a Frame rate for the timecode. These options can be found on the Sync page of the Preferences dialog. For more information, see Preferences - Sync Tab

  2. From the Options menu, choose Timecode, and choose Generate MIDI Timecode from the submenu.

    VEGAS Pro will generate MTC starting wherever you click Play .

Viewing outgoing timecode

To view the outgoing timecode, right-click the Time Display and choose MIDI Timecode Out from the shortcut menu. The text will now display the outgoing MTC time.