VEGAS Content

VEGAS Content gives VEGAS Pro 365 & VEGAS Post 365 subscribers access to nearly a million stock music tracks and video clips. You can use these clips royalty free in any VEGAS Pro project.

How to access to VEGAS Content

  1. Click the VEGAS Hub Login button to access VEGAS Content.

  2. Click the VEGAS Content button to open the content browser.

Search for content

Type a search word or term into the Search field to search for the content you want.

Click the Search button to start the search.

Click the Media Type drop-down list and choose the type of content--audio or video--that you want to preview.

For both video and audio files, set the Duration limits to include only files within a specific length range in your search results. For audio files, set the BPM limits to include only files within a specific tempo range in your search results. Click the Filter Type buttons to further restrict your search results by Content type and Details for audio and video files, Resolution, and Frame Rate for video files, and Categories for audio files.

Displaying and using content

Show preview

  • To preview an audio file, click its waveform. The file begins to play automatically.

  • To preview a video file, double-click the video thumbnail. Click the Play button.

Download content

  1. Click the Download button and the file format and resolution from the list that you want to download.

  2. Close the window once downloading is complete.

    To find your downloaded files, open the VEGAS Hub Explorer window.

To download more files, click the Back button.

To return to the home page of the VEGAS Hub window, click the Home button.

The VEGAS Hub home page provides access to your profile information and the VEGAS Creative Software forums, in addition to VEGAS Content.

IMPORTANT The EULA that you agreed to when installing VEGAS Pro has the details for what you can and cannot do with the stock footage available via VEGAS Content. Please refer to it regarding any copyright disputes that may arise from the use of this content on social media sites.