Adding Track, Assignable FX, and Bus Channels

In its default configuration, the Mixing Console displays a channel for each track, bus, and assignable effects chain in your project.

You can use the buttons on The Mixing Console Toolbar to add tracks, assignable effects chains, or busses to your project:



Insert Audio Track

Adds an audio track to your project.

Insert Assignable FX

Creates an assignable FX chain that you can route to one or more tracks in your project. For more information, see FX send (assignable effects) channel strips

To delete an assignable FX chain, right-click the assignable FX channel strip and choose Delete from the shortcut menu (or select it and press the Delete key).

Insert Bus

Adds a bus to your project. The Audio tab in the Project Properties dialog is updated to reflect the new number of busses. For more information, see Bus Channel Strips

To delete a bus, right-click the channel strip for the bus and choose Delete from the shortcut menu.

Insert Input Bus

Adds an input bus to your project. For more information, see Input bus channel strips

To delete an input bus, right-click the channel strip for the bus and choose Delete from the shortcut menu.