Zooming and Panning in the Video Preview Window

*new since VEGAS Pro 20 update 1*

The user can now zoom into and out of the Video Preview window. This helps especially to see the details of an object while working with the Bèzier Masking tools, seeing fine details of color grading adjustments, and many other uses. The user can zoom into any target area of the video preview window and scroll the zoomed view to see different areas without first zooming back out.

NOTE This feature affects only your Video Preview. With this, you are not actually creating a zoom edit in your video. If you want that type of edit, use the Picture in Picture OFX plug-in. If you render your project while you’ve zoomed into or out of your Video Preview window, that zoom setting will have no effect on your render—the project will still render at 100% zoom level (normal zoom).

Using Preview Zoom

  • To zoom in for a closer look:

    Click the Zoom Video Preview button and choose a zoom level from the drop-down list.

  • To increase your zoom level up or down:

    Use the + or - options to increase or decrease the zoom level by five percent.

  • To toggle quickly between the current zoom setting and 100% zoom:

    Select Bypass Zoom .

Zooming with keyboard shortcuts

The keyboard shortcuts for accessing these zoom options using the computer's number pad.

  • Increase by 5%:Ctrl+Num+

  • Decrease by 5%: Ctrl+Num-

  • Bypass zoom: Ctrl+Shift+Num1

Zooming with mouse wheel

  • Point your mouse to the Video Preview window and roll the mouse wheel away from you to zoom in.
  • Roll the mouse wheel towards you to zoom back out.
  • Double-click the Video Preview window with the mouse's scroll wheel to instantly reset the zoom to 100%.

Panning in the Preview

  • Zoom in on a specific object or area by pointing to it in the Video Preview window.
  • Click and hold the mouse wheel to pan through the video.
  • Drag the mouse to move the preview and explore different areas.

Adjusting Zoom Speed

  • Hold the Ctrl key while rolling the mouse wheel to adjust the zoom speed.

  • With Ctrl held, each step of the mouse wheel will adjust the zoom by only 1% instead of the default 10%.