Setting default track properties

You can use any track's settings to specify default settings for new tracks.

Editing default track settings

  1. Right-click a track header and choose Set Default Track Properties from the shortcut menu.

  2. Select the checkbox for each item that you want to use as a default when creating a new track:




    Select this checkbox if you want to use the current setting of the Volume fader whenever you insert an audio track.

    Composite Mode

    Select this checkbox if you want to use the current setting of the Compositing Mode button whenever you insert a video track.

    Pan Type

    Select this checkbox if you want to use the current panning mode whenever you insert an audio track.

    To set the panning mode, right-click the Pan slider and choose a mode from the drop-down list.

    For more information, see Audio panning modes


    Select this checkbox if you want to use the current track height whenever you insert an audio or video track.

    Track FX

    Select this checkbox if you want to use the current track effect chain and settings whenever you insert an audio or video track.

    For more information, see Adding audio effects and Adding video effects

    Input monitor

    Select this checkbox if you want to enable record input monitoring when you insert an audio track. For more information, see Recording audio

    Automation mode

    Select this checkbox if you want to use the Automation Settings setting and track automation mode setting from the selected track whenever you insert an audio or video track.

    For more information, see Recording track envelope and keyframe automation

  3. Click OK.

Restoring the original track settings

  1. Right-click a track header and choose Set Default Track Properties from the shortcut menu.

  2. Select the Restore original defaults check box.

  3. Click OK.