Smart Mask

This plug-in analyzes a video frame and uses artificial intelligence technology to identify objects in the frame that you can generate a mask for. You can filter out any objects below your accepted confidence level. Once the tool has identified an object you want to create a mask for, the tool will add a Bézier Masking plug-in to your FX chain with a mask already in place. You can then fully adjust your new mask as you see fit.

1 Identifying Objects and Adjusting Confidence Levels

  1. Select the event on your timeline that holds the video clip you want to mask.

  2. Move your timeline cursor to a frame that shows the object you want to mask so you can see that frame in the Video Preview window.

  3. Click the Video FX tab in the window docking area to bring that window forward.

  4. Select Smart Mask from the list of plug-ins.

  5. Click and drag the Smart Mask plug-in onto the selected video clip on the timeline..

  6. In the Video Event FX window, click the Analyze button. It will take a few moments for the tool to analyze your video frame.

    With analysis complete, you’ll see that the tool has identified any objects in your frame that the algorithm recognizes. Rectangles bound all objects that have been identified.

NOTE If you don’t see any rectangles, lower the Confidence slider until you see a rectangle around the object you want to mask. Raising the confidence level can filter out rectangles that you’re not interested in and help you focus on the one you want.

Show labels and confidence levels:

Select the "Show Labels" checkbox in the Video Event FX window.

This adds a label of what the AI thinks it has identified in the upper left of the bounding rectangle. It also displays the confidence level below the rectangle. For instance, a confidence level of 59% indicates that the AI is 59% confident that it has correctly identified the object as what it has labeled it.

2 Creating and Refining Masks

  1. Click on the rectangle that encloses the object you want to mask. A mask line will be added within the rectangle and around the object.


    You can create up to five masks for a single video frame.

    Click the first rectangle that you want to use to create a mask

    Hold the Ctrl key as you click on up to four more rectangles. This creates mask shapes around each of the selected objects.

  2. Use the Shape slider to change the accuracy of the mask shape around the object.

  3. Once the mask is adjusted, click the "Transfer" button. A Bézier mask plug-in will be added to your FX chain.

  4. Click the Bézier Masking button in the FX chain.

  5. Use the Bézier masking tools to further adjust and refine the mask as needed.

    For more information, see Bézier Masking