Using the Titles & Text Plug-In

When you add the Titles & Text plug-in to your project, the Video Media Generators dialog is displayed.Use the controls in the Video Media Generators dialog to control the appearance of your text.


You can use keyframe animation to animate any of the plug-in's controls using keyframes.Click a control's Animate button to create keyframes at the bottom of the Video Media Generators window.

For more information, see Keyframe animation




Type your text in the text box.

The controls above the text box allow you to set the typeface, font size, bold or italic properties, and justification for the selected text.

TIP Right-click the text box to display a shortcut menu with Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, and Select All commands.

Text Color

Click the arrow to show or hide the text color controls.

You can use the color picker, type color values (or names), or use the eyedropper to sample a color from your screen.


Choose a setting from the drop-down list to apply animation effects to your text.


Drag the slider to adjust the size of your text.

A setting of 1 applies no scaling; drag to the right to enlarge the text, or drag left to shrink the text.

When your text event is selected in the timeline, you can drag the corners of the text box in the Video Preview window to scale it:


Click the arrow to show or hide the text location controls.

Perform any of the following actions to position the text within your project's video frame:

  • Drag the point in the position box:

  • Type coordinates in the position box. 0.00, 0.00 represents the lower-left corner of the frame, 0.50, 0.50 represents the center, and 1.00, 1.00 represents the upper-right corner.

  • When your text event is selected in the timeline, you can drag the text box in the Video Preview window to position it:

Anchor point

Choose a setting from the drop-down list to set the anchor point of the text box.Text scales relative to the anchor point, which does not move.The anchor point is identified by an empty square in the Video Preview window.


Click the arrow to show or hide the advanced controls for background color, tracking, and line spacing.


Click the arrow to show or hide the background color controls.

You can use the color picker, type color values (or names), or use the eyedropper to sample a color from your screen.


Drag the slider to adjust the amount of spacing between text characters.

Line Spacing

Drag the slider to adjust the amount of spacing between lines of text.


Click the arrow to show or hide the controls for outlining text.

Outline Width

Drag the slider to specify the width of the outline.

Outline Color

Click the arrow to show or hide the outline color controls.

You can use the color picker, type color values, or use the eyedropper to sample a color from your screen.


Click the arrow to show or hide the controls for adding a shadow behind your text.

Shadow Enable

Select the checkbox to display a shadow behind your text.

Shadow Color

Click the arrow to show or hide the shadow color controls.

You can use the color picker, type color values (or names), or use the eyedropper to sample a color from your screen.

Shadow Offset X

Drag the slider if you want to offset the shadow from the horizontal center of your text.

Shadow Offset Y

Drag the slider if you want to offset the shadow from the vertical center of your text.

Shadow Blur

Drag the slider to determine how smoothly the text shadow blends into the background.