5.1 surround projects

Create a 5.1-channel mix to wrap a listener in your remixes or prepare audio for DVD-Video or 5.1-channel music projects.

5.1 surround is a standard audio format consisting of five full-range channels and a low-frequency effects (LFE) channel.

The five full-range channels are reproduced by left, right, and center speakers positioned in front of the listener and left and right surround speakers positioned behind the listener. The LFE channel can be routed to the main speakers or to a subwoofer that can be positioned almost anywhere.

The center channel is typically used to lock dialogue or sounds to a video screen. The LFE channel is generally routed to a subwoofer to enhance low audio frequencies for effects such as explosions or crashes. Audio in this channel is limited to a range of approximately 25 Hz to 120 Hz.