The Transport and Editing Toolbar

The Transport and Editing toolbar provides controls for playback, recording, and cursor-positioning buttons and timeline editing.

During project playback, audio tracks will be mixed to the Master bus unless you are using a custom bus assignment. Video tracks will be mixed to the Video Preview window.

For more information, see Assigning tracks to busses and Using the Video Preview window

TIP You can choose EditNavigate and choose a command from the submenu to navigate the timeline quickly.





Starts recording on all armed tracks. If no tracks are armed, a new track will be created automatically. For more information, see Recording audio

Loop Playback

Plays only the events in the loop region in a continuous mode.

Play from Start

Starts playback from the beginning of the project regardless of the current cursor position. When you stop playback, the cursor returns to its original position.


Starts playback from the cursor position.

TIP Select the Make spacebar and F12 Play/Pause instead of Play/Stop checkbox in the General Preferences tab if you want the F12 and spacebar keyboard shortcuts to toggle between Play and Pause mode. In this mode, the cursor will maintain its position.


Pauses playback and leaves the cursor at its current position.


Stops playback or recording and returns the cursor to its starting position.

Go to Start

Moves the cursor to the beginning of the project.

Go to End

Moves the cursor to the end of the project.

Previous Frame

Moves the cursor to the previous frame.

TIP Click and hold the Previous Frame and Next Frame buttons to move the cursor multiple frames.

Next Frame

Moves the cursor to the next frame.

Normal Edit Tool

Select this button to perform event editing. Click the down arrow and choose a tool from the menu to select the mode that will be used for editing events. For more information, see Editing Tool

  •  Normal Edit Tool: Use to trim the ends of events. For more information, see Adjusting an event's length

  •  Shuffle Tool: Use to rearrange events on the timeline. For more information, see Shuffling events

  •  Slip Tool: Use to slip an event's media without moving the event on the timeline. For more information, see Slipping and sliding events

  •  Slide Tool: Use to move an event on the timeline without moving the underlying media. For more information, see Slipping and sliding events

  • Time Stretch/Compress Tool: Use to make events longer or shorter while changing the velocity of the media to create fast- or slow-motion effects. For more information, see Adjusting an event's length

  • Split Trim Tool: Use to split an event at the point you click and trim the event in the direction you drag (eraser mode). For more information, see Slipping and sliding events

Envelope Edit Tool

Select this button when you want to edit multiple envelopes without moving the events. For more information, see Editing Tool

Selection Edit Tool

Select this button when you want to select multiple events. For more information, see Editing Tool

Zoom Edit Tool

Magnifies the current project. For more information, see Editing Tool


Deletes the selected events or tracks. For more information, see Deleting events


Trims a time selection. For more information, see Trimming events

Trim Start

Trims the start of the selected event to the cursor. For more information, see Trimming events

Trim End

Trims the end of the selected event to the cursor. For more information, see Trimming events


Click to split an event. For more information, see Splitting events

Smart Split

Click to Smart Split an event For more information, see Smart Splitting Events


Locks an event so that it cannot be moved or edited. For more information, see Applying switches to events

Insert Marker

Adds a marker at the cursor position. For more information, see Inserting markers

Insert Region

Adds region tags at each end of the selection. For more information, see Inserting regions

Enable Snapping

Turns on snapping and enables the Snap to Grid and Snap to Markers commands. For more information, see Enable snapping

Automatic Crossfades

Select this button to automatically create a crossfade when two or more events overlap. For more information, see Automatic crossfades

Auto Ripple

Select this button and choose a mode from the drop-down list to automatically ripple the contents of the timeline following an edit after adjusting an event's length, cutting, copying, pasting, or deleting events. For more information, see Post-edit ripple

Lock Envelopes to Events

Select this button if you want envelope points to follow an event when it is moved along the timeline. For more information, see Video track automation

Ignore Event Grouping

Select this button to override event groups without removing the groups. For more information, see Grouping events

Select this button to show or hide the HDR-compatible Color Grading tools. For more information, see Color Grading

Select this button to close the current nested timeline and open its parent timeline. For more information, see Nested Timelines

Select this button to open the currently selected event as a nested timeline.

Select this button to create and open a nested timeline from the currently selected timeline events.